
  • 27/12/2017

    Central Election Commission held the meeting chaired by the President of CEC, Valdete Daka. In this meeting, Central Election certified the final results of second round (revoting) for municipal mayor of Istog, that took place in 17 December 2017. In the continuity of the meeting, by replying to the request of the President of Republic [...]

  • 21/12/2017

    Central Election Commission held its next meeting chaired by president of CEC Valdete Daka. In this meeting, CEC announced Final Results for the revoting for second round of Municipal Mayor of Istog. CEC President Daka announced that from the time of announcement the 24-hour deadline for complaints to the Election Panel Appeals and Complaints has [...]

  • 29/11/2017

    11 December 2017 – Central Election Commission held a meeting chaired by President Valdete Daka.   In this meeting, Central Election Commission certified final results of second round of elections for Municipal Mayor in: Prishtina, Prizren, Klina, Rahovec and Ferizaj. PRIZREN Name of Political Entity Votes Percentage MTAHER HASKUKA Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE 25 949 50.36% SHAQIR [...]

  • 29/11/2017

    Central Election Commission, in the meeting held on Wednesday (29 November 2019) Certified the Final Results for Municipal Assemblies for 37 Municipal Assemblies, which took place on 22nd of October 2017. In these certified results are not included the Results from Municipal Assembly Elections in Vushtrri because the process of adjudication regarding complaints at Supreme [...]

  • 31/10/2017

    Tuesday, 31 October 2017 – Central Election Commission Announced Final Results for Municipal Mayors of Local Election held on October 22, 2017. Based on these results, CEC President Valdete Daka announced that the second round of Mayoral Elections will be held on 19 November in 19 municipalities (Gjakova, Gjilan, Dragash, Istog, Kaçanik, Klina, Kamenica, South [...]

  • 26/10/2017

    Central Election Commission held its next meeting chaired by president of CEC Valdete Daka. At this meeting a report was presented by the Counting and Results Center after receiving sensitive election material from all municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo. The Central Election Commission issued the decision to recount 24 ballot boxes, 21 of which [...]

  • 02/10/2017

    Central Election Commission for 2017 local elections has held simulation of the electoral process at several universities and colleges with first-year students (first-time voters). The purpose of this simulation was to prepare young people who have never voted in order to make this process easier for them. During the simulation of the election process about [...]

  • 15/08/2017

    With the support of IFES and USAID, the CEC held a training with Senior Municipal Election Officials to launch the "Women in Electoral Leadership" program,. Within this program, the SMEO's have been trained to train political entity members regarding the work on electoral processes. CEC, through the Senior Municipal Election Officials, held meetings with representatives [...]

  • 08/07/2017

    After the confirmations from Election Panel on Appeals and Complaints and by the Supreme Court that these institutions do not have any case to decide on, Central Election Commission certified the final results of Early Elections on Appeals and Complaints for Assembly of Republic of Kosovo that took place on 11th of June 2017. In [...]