Registration of political parties
The process of Registration of a Political Party
Groups of citizens interested in registering a political party can do so with the support of 500 citizens of the Republic of Kosovo who are over 18 years of age. To register a Political Party in The Central Election Commission, you should follow the following steps:
Step 1 Download and complete the form for registration of a political party
Form for registering a political party
Step 2 Download and complete the form of the latest party convention
Form of the latest convention of the party
Step 3 Download and complete the list of political party supporters
The list should contain the names and information of at least 500 citizens of the Republic of Kosovo over 18 who support the political party for registration
Step 4 Along with the forms, submit the following documents:
- The statute of the political party, which must be drafted according to procedures defined in article 11 of Regulation No. 01/2024 Registration and Functioning of Political Parties.
- The program of the political party
- Party signs
- The latest financial statement of the party, which should include information of the donors supporting the registration of a political party (their names and the value of the donation) as well as supporting documents ex. contracts for using a political party office or paying office rent when using rental offices.
- Declaration of Ethnicity of Political Party Founders
- Registration fee of (500) Euro, a nonrefundable payment the payment slip for which must be collected from the Office for registration, certification and financial control of political entities in CEC.
The application for registration must be reviewed within 30 days from the time the completed application is submitted. Application that contain all the necessary information are approved by CEC. Exeptions can happen only in cases when the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, Law on General Elections and Law on Local Elections, as well article 4 of No. 01/2024 Registration and Functioning of Political Parties has not been respected during the drafting process.