Certification of political entities
The process of certification of political entities for Local Elections
All political entities, including political parties, citizen initiatives, coalitions and independent candidates must apply for certification in order to run for early elections for Municipal Assembly in Zveçan and Leposaviq which will take place 25 december 2022. In order to get certified, political entities must follow the steps:
Deadline for application for certification for political entities and candidates for extraordinary municipal mayor in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and North Mitrovica, and early elections for municipal assemblies in Leposavic and Zvecan starts on March 09 and ends on March 22, 2023.
Step 1 Download and complete the request for certification for political entities
In this document, political entities will specify whether they compete for Municipal Assemblies, Municipal Mayor, or both. At the same time, entities competing in Local Elections should specify the codes of municipalities in which they will compete.
Request for certification for political entities (albanian version)
Step 2 Download and complete the signature booklet
Political entities wishing to compete for local elections must have hundred (100) signatures of registered voters support for each municipal election in which political entity intends to compete, but not more than one thousand (1,000) signatures if intended to compete in ten (10) or more municipal elections. Political entities that in the last election of the same level have taken at least a seat, are released from this requirement.
Signature booklet (albanian version)
Step 3 Download and complete the coalition consent form
This form is completed only by the political parties interested to compete in theLocal Elections through a coalition. Coalitions can only be formed between political parties.
Form of consent of coalition (albanian version)
Step 4 Download and complete the candidate list of the Political Entity
This list should include the data of all candidates running for the Assembly of Kosovo. The list can not contain more than 110 candidates. Within the list, a gender quota of 30% should be applied, which means that at least 30% of candidates must belong to one gender. When completing the list, every third candidate on the list should belong to the underrepresented gender (in most cases the under-represented gender is women).
The list of candidates must be completed for each municipality in which the political entity competes. Using the same list template, political entities will complete a list of mayors and one for candidates for municipal assembly. Each list should show the municipality in which the political entity competes. The list of candidates must be filled in electronically and then printed and signed by the authorized person of the political entity. In addition to the signed list, the political entity must bring the same list in Excel format in a CD.
The list of candidates of political entity (albanian version)
The number of Municipal Assembly seats and the smallest number of candidates from the opposite gender (albanian version)
Step 5 Download and complete the candidate certification form
Each candidate running for Local Elections must complete the candidate’s certification form with personal data. Part C of the form must be signed by the authorized representative of the political entity.
Candidate c eritication form (albanian version)
Step 6 Download and complete the candidate’s financial statement form
All candidates running for Local Elections must complete the financial publication form.
Form of financial statement of the candidate (albanian version)
Step 7 Submit the political statement
All political entities should write a political statement, which contains the main parts of their program. The format of writing a political statement is not defined, but should not exceed 150 words. The statement must be signed by the authorized representative of the political entity. Citizens’ initiatives must also submit an act of establishment of the initiative.
Step 8 Submit the symbol of the political entity
To be successfully certified, political parties must submit the symbol of the entity printed and in CD. This requirement applies only to political parties. This symbol will be placed on the ballot, as it is submitted to CEC.
Step 9 Pay for the certification service
Political entities must submit the invoice of a payment in the amount two hundred (200) euros for each municipal election that aims to compete but not more than two thousand (2,000) euro if intended to compete in ten (10) or more municipal elections. Political entities that in the last election of the same level have taken at least a seat, are released from the certification payment.