- 09/05/2019
How to vote: In the ballot for Municipal Mayor, where the names of the candidates are ranked, you must mark just one candidate. All successful applicants that have been registered as out of Kosovo voters (click here – Out of Kosovo Voters List) have the right to vote, by filling the ballot. The filled Ballot [...]
- 09/05/2019
REGISTRATION FOR VOTING THROUGH MOBILE TEAMS FOR PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Begins on 9 of May and ends on 13 of May 2019 All citizens eligible to vote, that due to their disabilities cannot go out to vote in their polling station, have the right to ask to vote through mobile teams in their homes. [...]
- 09/05/2019
REGISTRACIJA ZA GLASANJE PUTEM MOBILNIH EKIPA ZA LICA SA POSEBNIM POTREBAMA Počinje 9. Maja i završava 13. Maja 2019. Svi građani koji imaju pravo glasa, koji zbog svojih posebnih potreba ne mogu da izađu da glasaju na svojim redovnim biračkim mestima, imaju pravo da zahtevaju glasanje putem mobilnih ekipa u svojim domovima. Centralna Izborna Komisija [...]
- 08/05/2019
Central Election Commission held its consecutive meeting chaired by President Valdete Daka. In this meeting, CEC issued a series of decisions within the scope of process of preparation of estraordinary municipal mayor elections in municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan and Zubin Potok. Central Election Commission approved the slogan for elections that will take place in [...]
- 03/05/2019
Central Election Commission held the consecutive meeting chaired by President, Valdete Daka. In this meeting, CEC issued decisions in the framework of process of preparations for the extraordinary municipal mayor elections in the municipalities of: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan and Zubin Potok. The Central Election Commission approved the design, content and format of ballots for [...]
- 22/04/2019
During this period, Central Election Commission of Republic of Kosovo offers to all voters the possibility of changing of the Polling Center based on their selection and as closer as possible to their permanent residence. The voter can change polling center from 23 April 2019 until 29 April 2019. During this period, you can request [...]
- 22/04/2019
Central Election Commission of Republic of Kosovo is doing the preparations for organization of Extraordinary Municipal Mayor Elections for municipalities North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposaviq and Zveçan on 19 May 2019. If you are from Republic of Kosovo and are resident of Republic of Kosovo, but live abroad, you can apply for registration as a [...]
- 21/04/2019
Central Election Commission informs that on 9th of April the deadline has begun for the submission of requests for observer accreditation for Extraordinary Municipal Mayor Elections for municipalities: North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposaviq and Zveçan, which will take place on 19th of May. Based on the CEC decision, this deadline will end on 12th of [...]
- 19/04/2019
The Central Election Commission is continuing with the preparations for Extraordinary Election Municipal Mayors: North Mitrovica , Zveçan, Zubin Potok and Leposaviq. In this regard, CEC has started with the preparations for the training of the members of Municipal Election Commissions in these four municipalities. This program aims to increase the level of professionalism of [...]
- 18/04/2019
Central Election Commission announces that the deadline for applications for certification of Political Entities wishing to participate in the Extraordinary Municipal Mayor Elections in the municipalities of North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan, which will be held on May 19, has ended. During this period (9 April – 18 April) 3 Political Entities have [...]
- 16/04/2019
Central Election Commission held the next meeting chaired by president Valdete Daka. In this meeting, Central Election Commission issued the decision on appointement of members of Municipal Election Commissions (MEC) for extraordinary municipal mayor elections in municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zubin Potok and Zveçan. In the continuity of the meeting, president of CEC informed that [...]
- 15/04/2019
Prishtina, 15 April The Central Election Commission held the next meeting, chaired by the President, Valdete Daka. In this meeting it was discussed about the OSCE advisory role in the Extraordinary Elections for Municipal Mayor of North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan. CEC President announced that the role of the OSCE in these elections, [...]