- 23/11/2021
Prishtinë, 23 nëntor 2021 – Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve certifikoi rezultatet përfundimtare të raundit të dytë të Zgjedhjeve për Kryetarë të 18 nga 21 Komunat, të cilat u mbajtën më 14 nëntor 2021. Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve mori vendim për certifikimin e këtyre rezultateve pas konfirmimeve nga Paneli Zgjedhor për Ankesa dhe Parashtresa dhe [...]
- 20/11/2021
Prishtinë, 20 nëntor 2021 - Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve shpalli rezultatet përfundimtare të raundit të dytë të Zgjedhjeve për Kryetarë të 20 nga 21 Komunat, të cilat u mbajtën më 14 nëntor 2021. Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve mori vendim për shpalljen e këtyre rezultateve pas konfirmimeve nga Paneli Zgjedhor për Ankesa dhe Parashtresa, me [...]
- 16/11/2021
Prishtinë, 16 nëntor 2021 – Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve mori vendim për certifikimin e rezultateve përfundimtare të Zgjedhjeve për 38 Kuvendet Komunale, të cilat u mbajtën më 17 tetor 2021. Në këtë mënyrë, Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve përmbylli procesin e Zgjedhjeve për Kuvende Komunale. Statistics Statistics by municipalities Statistics by polling stations [...]
- 14/11/2021
Prishtina, 14 November 2021 – The Central Election Commission published the website where the data related to the participation of citizens in the voting and the publication of the preliminary results of the second round of the Elections for Mayors of 21 Municipalities will be transmitted. The website for preliminary data is: Through [...]
- 14/11/2021
Prishtina, 14 November 2021 - 15:30 - The Central Election Commission held the second conference on the day of the elections of the second round of elections for Mayors of 21 Municipalities. CEC Chairman Kreshnik Radoniqi announced that the voting process is ongoing in 21 municipalities. "The CEC is constantly monitoring the election process and [...]
- 14/11/2021
Prishtina, 14 November 2021 - 11:30 - The Central Election Commission held the second conference on the day of the elections of the second round of elections for Mayors of 21 Municipalities. The Chairman of the CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi announced that “based on the information that we constantly receive from the Municipal Election Commissions, but [...]
- 14/11/2021
Prishtina, 14 November 2021 - 08:00 - The Central Election Commission held its first conference on the day of the second round of elections for Mayors of 21 Municipalities. At this conference it was announced that all polling stations belonging to the 21 municipalities where the voting will take place have already been opened. [...]
- 14/11/2021
Pristina, 14 November 2021 – Today, 4 weeks after the October 17 elections, the second round of Mayoral Elections is being held. The second round of elections is held in the following 21 municipalities: Gjakova, Gllogoc, Gjilan, Dragash, Istog, Kaçanik, Klina, Fushë Kosovë, Kamenica, Obiliq, Rahovec, Podujevë, Prishtina, Prizren, Shtime, Viti, Vushtrri, Malisheva, Junik, [...]
- 13/11/2021
Pristina, 13 November 2021 - Today, the Central Election Commission distributed the election material, which includes the ballots, for the second round of Elections for Mayors of 21 Municipalities. The distribution of election material, from the central warehouse of the CEC to the warehouses of Municipal Commissions in the municipalities where the second round [...]
- 13/11/2021
Pristina, 13 November 2021 – In order to inform the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo about the progress of the voting process, the Central Election Commission has planned to hold several conferences. The first conference will be held at 8:00 p.m. and aims to inform citizens about the opening of polling stations. The [...]
- 13/11/2021
Pristina, 13 November 2021 – Every citizen / voter on election day can verify the correct address of his / her polling station. To learn the correct polling station, the voter just needs to enter the personal number and then the data will be displayed. This is made possible through this application posted on the [...]