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CEC received Certificate for Appreciation for Best Practice for the implementation of law on languages

Prishtina, December 2020 –Central Election Commission, along with some other institutions, has been awarded with a Certificate for Appreciationfor Best Practice for the implementation of law on use of languages.  The awards ceremony was organized by Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Office of Language Commissioner.  This certificate of appreciation was awarded based [...]

Periudha e aplikimit të subjekteve politike për pjesëmarrje në zgjedhjet e jashtëzakonshme për Kryetar Komunë në Mitrovicën e Veriut

Prishtinë, 27 tetor 2020 – Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve njofton se ka filluar periudha e aplikimit për certifikim të subjekteve politike (partitë politike; iniciativat qytetare; koalicionet; dhe kandidatët e pavarur) që duan të marrin pjesë në zgjedhjet e jashtëzakonshme për Kryetar Komunë në Mitrovicën e Veriut. Ky afat përfundon më 30 tetor, në orën 18:00. [...]

CEC limits the expenditures of political entities for the electoral campaign in Podujeva

Prishtiaë, 11 February 2020 – The Central Election Commission held a meeting chaired by a member of the CEC, mr. Alim Rama. At this meeting, the CEC issued a decision to limit the election campaign spending for political entities that will participate in the extraordinary elections for the mayor of Podujeva. Through this decision, the [...]

The new members of CEC have been sworn in

Prishtina, 6 February 2020 – The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi appointed the new members of the Central Election Commission, based on the proposals of parliamentary groups and parliamentary political parties of the communities represented in the Kosovo Assembly. The ten appointed members of the CEC are: Sami Kurteshi, Alim Rama, Sami [...]

CEC received the final report of EU observation mission for elections of 6 October

Prishtina, 22 january 2020 –CEC Chairwoman, Valdete Daka hosted a meeting with Member of European Parliament, Viola con Cramon, whom is also Chief of EU Election Observation Mission. She was accompanied by associates and representatives of EU Office in Kosovo. In behalf of CEC, chairwoman Daka received the final report of EU Election Observation Mission [...]

CEC certified final results of early elections for Kosovo Assembly that took place on 6th of October 2019

Prishtina, 27 November 2019 –Central Election Commission issued the decision for certification of final results of early elections for the Kosovo Assembly that took place on 6th of October 2019. CEC President, Valdete Daka informed that this decision comes after receiving the confirmations from Election Complaints and Appeals Panel and from Supreme Court that there [...]

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