Administrative Instructions
Administrative Instruction No. 03/2021 – Vendim per miratimin e Udhezimit Administrativ nr 03/2021 per Staf Teknik per Qendrat e Votimit
Administrative Instruction No. 204/2021 – Per Komisionet Komunale te Zgjedhjeve dhe Keshillat e Vendvotimeve per Identifikimin e Votuesve ne Vendvotim per Zgjedhjet Prakohshme per Kuvendin e Kosoves 2021
Administrative Instruction No. 03/2020 – Protective measures to prevent infection with COVID-19 for voters and election staff on election day
Administrative Instruction No. 02/2020 – Publication and update of documents and information in the CEC web page
Administrative Instruction No. 01/2010 – Defining Representation Expenditures for CEC Members
Administrative Instruction No. 01/2014 – Publication of Materials on the Official Web Site
Administrative Instruction No. 01/2015 – Use of the CEC Telephones
Administrative Instruction No. 02/2015 – Archives and Archival Subjects in CEC
Administrative Instruction No. 03/2015 – Functioning, Communication and Reporting within the Secretariat of the CEC
Administrative Instruction No. 04/2015 – Method of Use of Official CEC Vehicles and Their Maintenance
Administrative Instruction No. 01/2017 – Replacement Procedure of a Member of the Municipal Assembly
Administrative Instruction No. 01/2018 – CECS Staff leaves
Administrative Instruction No. 02/2018 – Dispute and complaint settlement procedure in CECS