Final Results of the Mayoral Elections of Municipalities

Prishtina, 28 October 2021, 11:10 – The Central Election Commission announced the final results of the first round of Local Elections for Mayors of Municipalities, which were held on October 17, 2021.
The Central Election Commission decided to announce these results after confirmations from the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel and the Supreme Court that these institutions have decided on all complaints.
Based on these results, the second round of Mayoral Elections in these 21 municipalities: Gjakova, Gllogoc (Drenas), Gjilan, Dragash, Istog, Kaçanik, Klina, Fushë Kosovë, Kamenica, Obiliq, Rahovec, Podujevë, Prishtina, Prizren , Shtime, Viti, Vushtrri, Malisheva, Junik, Mamusha and Kllokot.
Note: After the announcement of the final results, within 24 hours, political entities and candidates can submit their complaints to the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel.
Statistics by municipalities
Statistics by polling stations
General statistics of conditional votes
Conditional vote statistics by municipalities
General postal voting statistics
Statistics of postal votes by municipalities
Results for Mayors
Results for Mayors by polling stations
Results for Mayors of conditional votes
Results for Mayors of postal votes