Extraordinary Municipal Mayor Elections in Municipalities North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposaviq And Zveçan – BY MAIL VOTING

How to vote:
In the ballot for Municipal Mayor, where the names of the candidates are ranked, you must mark just one candidate.
All successful applicants that have been registered as out of Kosovo voters (click here – Out of Kosovo Voters List) have the right to vote, by filling the ballot.
- The filled Ballot for Municipal Mayor must be placed in the envelope of secrecy received by mail or any other unmarked envelope and closed. This will protect the secrecy of your vote.
- The secrecy envelope and the copy of valid identification document must be placed inside the return envelope with the printed CEC address or any other envelope where the address of CEC is written.
The full address of CEC is:
Central Election Commission, Republic of Kosovo, By Mail Voting, Post no. 6, PO 351, 10 000 Prishtina, Kosovo.
The ballot can be obtained from the following sources:
- CEC web page Ballot for Municipal Mayor
- Pursuant to your request, through email, ovpp@localhost and ogpp@localhost
- Embassies and consulates of Republic of Kosovo, for their addresses, please click here
- By obtaining the form personally in one of the distribution points abroad Kosovo. In order to see the list of distribution points, please click here
- Help line in By Mail Voting Operation Unit:
+ 381 (038) 213 100, and +381 (038) 213 200
Ballots must be received by CEC at the latest until 17 May 2019.