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Fourth Conference – CEC: Polling stations are closed, about 43% of voters voted

  Pristina, 17 October 2021, 19:30 - The Central Election Commission held the third conference on the day of the Local Elections. In this conference, the chairman of the CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi announced that the voting process in the Republic of Kosovo. "Now all polling stations are closed. According to preliminary data we have received [...]

Third Conference – CEC: By 15:00 p.m. 16.95% of voters voted

  Pristina, 18 October 2021, 15:30 - The Central Election Commission held the third conference on the day of the Local Elections in the Republic of Kosovo. “From the constant communication we have with the officials on the field, the voting is going on without any problems. According to preliminary data we received from more [...]

Second Conference – CEC: By 11:00 a.m. 8.2% of voters cast their ballots

  Pristina, 17 October 2021, 11:00 - The Central Election Commission held the second conference on the day of the Local Elections in the Republic of Kosovo. The CEC Chairman, Kreshnik Radoniqi announced that based on the information of the Municipal Election Commissions, the voting process is proceeding normally and no incident has been reported [...]

The CEC publishes the special website for the preliminary results:

  Pristina, 17 October 2021, 10:30 – The Central Election Commission published a special website to transmit data related to citizen participation in voting and to publish the preliminary results of the Mayoral Elections and the preliminary results of the political entities of the Municipal Assembly Elections. Through this application, the CEC announced the participation [...]

The first conference – CEC: At 07:00 all polling stations open in the Republic of Kosovo

  Pristina, 17 October 2021, 08:00 - The Central Election Commission held a conference on the day of the Local Elections in the Republic of Kosovo. The CEC spokesman, Valmir Elezi announced that according to the plans, at 07:00 the voting process has started in 2,477 polling stations of 883 polling stations. In this conference, [...]

Schedule of CEC conferences for Election Day, October 17, 2021

Prishtina, 17 October 2021– In order to regularly inform the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo about the progress of the voting process, the Central Election Commission has planned to hold several conferences. The first conference will be held at 08:00 and is intended to inform citizens about the opening of polling stations. The second [...]

Here you can see where your polling station is

Prishtina, 17 October 2021– Every citizen / voter on election day can verify the correct address of his / her polling station. To learn the correct polling station, the voter just needs to enter the personal number and then the data will be displayed. This is made possible through this application posted on the CEC [...]

Local Elections are held today in the Republic of Kosovo

Prishtina, 17 October 2021– Today in the Republic of Kosovo are held Local Elections in the Republic of Kosovo, the seventh in a row for Municipal Assemblies and the fifth for Mayors. Elections are held to elect 38 Mayors and members of 38 Municipal Assemblies. According to the final list certified by the Central Election [...]

Përfundon shtypja e fletëvotimeve për Zgjedhjet Lokale 2021

  Është përmbyllur shtypja e fletëvotimeve të Zgjedhjeve Lokale të cilat do të mbahen më 17 tetor 2021. Shtypja e fletëvotimeve për Zgjedhjet për Kryetarë të Komunave dhe për Zgjedhjet për Kuvende Komunale është bërë në shtypshkronjën e dokumenteve me siguri të lartë, Cetis, në Celje të Sllovenisë. Procesi i shtypjes është bërë konform standardeve [...]

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