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Schedule of CEC conferences for Election Day

  Pristina, 13 November 2021 – In order to inform the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo about the progress of the voting process, the Central Election Commission has planned to hold several conferences. The first conference will be held at 8:00 p.m. and aims to inform citizens about the opening of polling stations. The [...]

Here you can see where your polling station is

Pristina, 13 November 2021 – Every citizen / voter on election day can verify the correct address of his / her polling station. To learn the correct polling station, the voter just needs to enter the personal number and then the data will be displayed. This is made possible through this application posted on the [...]

Njoftim lidhur me akreditimin e mediave

  Prishtinë, 6 nëntor 2021 – Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve njofton të gjitha mediat se është duke vazhduar të pranojë aplikimet për akreditim për raundin e dytë të Zgjedhjeve për Kryetarë të Komunave. Afati shtesë përfundon të hënën, më 8 nëntor. Mediat të cilat janë akredituar, nuk kanë nevojë të aplikojnë sërish, pasi vlen akreditimi [...]

CEC certifies the final results of the first round of elections for Mayors of 34 Municipalities

  Prishtina, October 29, 2021 -  The Central Election Commission decided to certify the final results of the first round of Local Elections for Mayors of 34 Municipalities, which were held on October 17, 2021.   A day before, on October 28, the CEC announced the final results of the first round of elections for Mayors [...]

The recount of about 300 polling stations for Municipal Assembly Elections begins at the CRC

  Pristina, October 30, 2021- In the Counting and Results Center, the process of recounting about 300 polling stations has started, which belong to the Municipal Assembly Elections that were held on October 17, 2021.   On Friday, the Central Election Commission took a decision on the recount of these polling stations as there are [...]

Voting abroad Kosovo – the second round of Mayoral Elections

  Pristina, October 29, 2021 – The Central Election Commission notifies all citizens who are registered as voters abroad Kosovo for the first round, that the postal voting period for the second round of Mayoral Elections has begun. Ballot papers by post must be received by the CEC no later than November 12, 2021. The [...]

Final Results of the Mayoral Elections of Municipalities

Prishtina, 28 October 2021, 11:10 – The Central Election Commission announced the final results of the first round of Local Elections for Mayors of Municipalities, which were held on October 17, 2021. The Central Election Commission decided to announce these results after confirmations from the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel and the Supreme Court that [...]

These are the deadlines for the election activities of the second round of Mayoral Elections

  Pristina, October 21, 2021 – The Central Election Commission has decided to approve the operational plan for organizing the second round of Mayoral Elections. This plan includes all activities that will be carried out by the CEC for the preparation of these elections. The deadlines for the main election activities are as follows: The [...]

Publication of Election Results Forms for Mayors and Municipal Assemblies

  Pristina, 19 October 2021 – The Central Election Commission has started publishing scanned copies of the Results Forms of the political entities of the Municipal Elections and Municipal Assembly Elections, which were held on 17 October. According to the procedures, these forms are scanned in the Counting and Results Center and then uploaded on [...]

The CRC counts the votes from abroad Kosovo for the 2021 Local Elections

  Prishtina, October 24, 2021– In the Counting and Results Center, the votes abroad Kosovo were counted, which came by mail during the period September 15 - October 15, for the Local Elections 2021. At the beginning of their counting, the CEC Spokesperson, Valmir Elezi informed the media that during the voting period by mail, [...]

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