Registration of Political Party: “Lëvizja për Drejtësi”, open for public review

Prishtina, 15 March 2018 – “Movement for Justice” completed the application for registration, submitted at the Office for Political Party Registration and Certification, at Central Election Commission.
The decision to register a political initiative will be issued by Central Election Commission after the end of the seven (7) day period during which the public can review the registration documents.
According to the CEC Regulation No. 01/2013 on the Registration and Operation of Political Parties in Kosovo, each person may object to the request on one or more grounds set forth in Article 5 by submitting written objections to the Office along with any information or material supporting the objections within seven (7) days from the announcement of the request under Article 4.4 of this Regulation.
All registration materials, including the party program, statute, and symbol will be available for viewing and commentary from the public. Promoting transparency for the process of registration of political parties is part of the CEC process.
Office for Registration of Political Parties is located at Str. Migjeni p. in Prishtina. Anyone who wants to see the documents can access the CEC official website at the events link or come to the Office from 10:00 to 12:00 on business days, from March 15 to March to March 21, 2018. For additional information you can contact the Office for Political Party Registration and Certification/Central Election Commission: +381 (0)38 20023509, or 038/211-995.