Information from CEC meeting

Central Election Commission held its consecutive meeting chaired by President Valdete Daka.
In this meeting, CEC issued a series of decisions within the scope of process of preparation of estraordinary municipal mayor elections in municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan and Zubin Potok.
Central Election Commission approved the slogan for elections that will take place in these four municipalities which is as follows: Your vote. Your future.
In this meeting, Central Election Commission issued the decision on de-registration of four political parties and repealed the suspension for three other parties. Based on the decision of CEC deregistered political parties are: Partia e Ballit (PB); Partia e Fortë (PF); Aktivna Gradanska Inicijativa (AGI); dhe Savez Nezavisnih Socijaldemokrata (SNSD). These political parties have not submitted their annual data update even after the additional deadline.
Also, Central Election Commission issed decision on suspension of three political parties: Partia Demokratike e Unitetit (PDU); Crnogorska Liberalna Stranka (CLS) dhe Nova Partija Kosova (NPK). Based on the decision of CEC, not submitted their annual data update even after the additional deadline.