Information from CEC meeting

Prishtina, 12 April – Central Election Commission held the next meeting chaired by the President, Valdete Daka.
In this meeting was announced about the process of establishing Preliminary Voters List for Extraordinary Elections for Mayor of North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Zvecan, which will be held on 19 May. According to non-final data, the number of voters in these four municipalities is 58 thousand and 520 voters, or 1, 507 more voters compared to the 2017 Local Elections. Based on non-final data, the number of voters in North Mitrovica is 22 thousand and 242; in Zubin Potok 8 thousand and 612; in Leposavic 18 thousand 390; and in Zveçan 9 thousand and 276.
In the continuation of the meeting, CEC issued a decision on limiting the election campaign expenses (May 13 – May 17) of Municipal Mayoral Elections: North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Zvecan. According to the decision of the CEC, based on the Electoral Regualtion on Limitation of Campaign Expenditures, the amount of funds for election campaign expenditures is 0.5 euro for registered voters in the respective municipality. The CEC decision is based on the non-final list of voters in these four municipalities.
Municipality | Number of voters according to preliminary voters list | Allowed amount |
NORTH MITROVICA | 22 242 | 11 121 € |
ZUBIN POTOK | 8 612 | 4 306 € |
LEPOSAVIQ | 18 390 | 9 195 € |
ZVEÇAN | 9 276 | 4 638 € |
29 260 € |