CEC launches the new web page

Central Election Commission marked for the sixth time, Global Election Day.
On this occasion, in a solemn event, Central Election Commission launched the new web page, which aims easier access of the public to information related to elections.
At this ceremony, where heads of different institutions and representatives of civil society were present, President of CEC Valdete Daka during her speech said “by marking Global Election Day we want to express our commitment as an institution to continue to serve all eligible voters, in the implementation of basic rights of democracy to elect and be elected”
She added that today’s product, CEC’s new web page is not only a more appealing design compared to the previous page but it’s a core commitment for the advancement of the transparency that enables easier access to information for citizens/voters, political entities, civil society etc.
Detailed presentation of the content of web page of CEC was done by Chief Executive Officer of CECS, Enis Halimi.
Central Election Commission marks Global Election Day since 2013. Every first Thursday of the February, CEC organized different activities on the occasion of marking this day. Except the launch of the web page, Senior Municipal Election Officers have conducted meetings with high school seniors to discuss the importance of participation of youth in elections.
Global Election Day is marked in many countries since 2005 where election experts from all over the world participated in the Global Conference of Election Officers in Hungary.
Through this conference they sent a message related to the vital need to strengthen the process of democratic development in the entire world.
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