CEC accredited 464 observers for extraordinary municipal mayor elections of 19 may in four municipalities
![Foto 1 _ KQZ](https://kqz-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Foto-1-_-KQZ.jpg)
Central Election Commission held a meeting chaired by president, Valdete Daka.
In this meeting, Central Election Commission accredited observers that will observe extraordinary municipal mayor elections in municipalities: Leposaviq, Zubin Potok, Zveçan and North Mitrovica, which will take place on 19 may. Number of accredited observers is: 464.
These observers represent 2 political parties, 2 international missions, 1 European Commission, 2 diplomatic missions, 12 embassies, 1 local NGO’s and 15 media.