Information regarding the deadline for application for certification of Political Entities for Municipal Mayor Elections of: North Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Leposaviq and Zveçan
All political entities wishing to participate in the Extraordinary Elections for Mayor of Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Leposavic and Zvecan, please be informed that the deadline for the application for certification starts from 09 April 2019 until 18 April 2019.
Political Entity who has won at least one (1) seat in the last election of the same type should not collect signatures of support nor pay for certification. Whereas, a Political Entity who did not have at least one (1) seat in the last election of the same type must collect one hundred (100) signatures of the support of the votes registered in that municipality and pay the deposit for certification.
The CERTIFICATION fee of two hundred (200) Euros is paid through the bank (the invoice must be obtained at the Office for PPRC). The copy of the receipt of the bank must be brought back to the Office.
The CERTIFICATION request is submitted to the Office at any time, during the regular working hours (08: 00-18: 00).
The office is located in the building of the Central Election Commission in Pristina, Str. Migjeni no. 21.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting us at the telephone number: 038 / 200-81-010 as well as in the e-mail: valmira.selmani@localhost
In order to be certified, the following documents are necessary:
To be certified the political entity must follow the steps in the following link: Certification of Political Entities